Future Dialogue
A Pressing Need for Policy Resolution
As the number of farmers choosing to grow GM crops continues to grow in Australia, and following the judgment in this case, now is the time to look more closely at the various ‘standards’ being imposed on our farmers.
Absolute thresholds, particularly in natural environments, are rarely practical or obtainable. Unregulated industries using these criteria as management and marketing tools should carefully consider the ramifications of such thresholds on farmers who use any other farming method.
This is certainly one area where ABCA believes dialogue and action are required.
One of the few positives that can be taken from this case is the clear impetus for discussions between state and federal representatives of stakeholders to seek ways of preventing this type of action in the future. Following such a case, where global attention has been brought to the issue, there is a great chance to review the regulatory standards in place and address the inconsistencies in criteria that precipitated this action in the first place.
The Australian agricultural system – its diversity, choice and quality for all – deserves nothing less than the very best of our collective knowledge and commitment to improving the precise dynamics of coexistence.